- Bicycle Culture by Design: Irish Sense

A shiny new document has seen the light of day in Ireland.A National Cycle Policy Framework for 2009-2020. The backdrop to this policy is the Government’s new transport policy for Ireland "2009 - 2020 Smarter Travel - A Sustainable Transport Future".It seems to be quite a progressive policy. Interestingly, they used many photos from what appears to be the Netherlands. Surely trying to emulate what is possible for Ireland.I particularly love the passage on page 32:

"There must be a clear message that cycling is a readily accessible form of transport, not requiring unnecessary encumbrances such as specialised cycling attire."

The document admits cycling has an image problem in Ireland and it's great they included a sentence like this. Normalising cycling as a transport option is the goal.Some of the main points include:- Move 160,000 people a day to work by bike; an increase of 125,000 people.- Increase cycling’s share of the total travel market, from 2% to 10%.- Investment of €3 million in refurbishment of key cycle routes in Dublin City.- Improved maintenance of road surfaces used by cyclists.- Allowing bicycles on city trains and trams, and trial US-like buses racks.- Provision of municipally-run public bike schemes in cities over 100,000 population"- Support for provision of secure parking for bikes in appropriate locations, including public spaces, public transport stations etc.- A new approach to the design of urban roads to better recognise the needs of cyclists and pedestrians.

You can download the .pdf right here, right now.

Well done, Emerald Isle. Well done. Now do it.

Thanks to Cian and Shane, et al. for the heads up.

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