The Life-Sized City Blog: Art and Bicycles

I was at the launch of a rathing exciting concept last weekend. Theory & Practice was established in Moscow and involves arranging lecture evenings and events aimed at injecting intellectual stimulation into society. They’re expanding into other countries and last Saturday Theory & Practice Copenhagen launched. One speaker was invited, an artist, and he invited three others. A great evening that pulled a full house in on a Saturday night.ANYWAY… the first speaker was explaining the inspiration for his art and several works/artists who inspire him showed up on the screen. A number of them were bicycle-related. I’m probably the last bicycle blog to cover this subject, but hey.Above, the famous Picasso work, Tête de Taureau from 1947.

Then there was Simon Starling's work with the not-so handy title, "A Charles Eames ‘Aluminium Group’ chair remade using the metal from a ‘Marin Sausalito’ bicycle / A ‘Marin Sausalito’ bicycle remade using the metal from a Charles Eames ‘Aluminium Group’ chair" from 1997.

Here's the Danish artist Morten Steen Hebsgaard's work "Ladder Bike - Made in China/Remade in Denmark".

And finally, Willem de Kooning's "Woman and Bicycle" from 1952/53.

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